Fabric Cutting and Marking Techniques

Fabric cutting and marking techniques will vary with both the fabric you’re using and the project you’re working on.
There are different tools to cut fabric and different methods. From simple scissors to rotary cutters and mats. Choosing which side of your fabric faces up when cutting your pieces. And if you’re doing a lot of the same thing, is it possible to stack-cut?
I personally like to save time and mark as simply as possible. So I have borrowed some industry techniques to the the job done. But there are a few fabrics I’ve worked on where simple marks just don’t take, so in that case additional tools and techniques are useful.
These techniques here are adjacent to pattern reading and usage. One bleeds into the next. So understanding the pattern and what has to be marked on the pieces is super important.
My Articles on Fabric Cutting and Marking Techniques
3 Rules to Lay Out Patterns and Cut Fabric Confidently
One of the first things you have to learn to sew well is to lay out patterns and cut fabric correctly, or you won't get good results. You've probably figured this out, but you can't just go and cut out pattern pieces from fabric all willy-nilly. There are rules....