Sewing Pattern Reading and Usage

When you are learning to sew, even the instructions found in sewing patterns can be daunting.
This section is about pattern reading and usage. Though, there will be overlap with cutting and marking fabric, just being able to read the pattern envelope is a good first step to sewing success.
There really are three main areas of pattern reading.
- Reading and understanding the pattern envelope
- Reading and understanding the pattern instructions, and
- Reading and understanding the pattern tissue (or the pattern pieces).
Successfully using a pattern means putting all of that together and making informed decisions on
- the pattern/style itself
- the fabric choice for the pattern
- getting all of the correct notions to complete the project.
On top of all of that, patterns are an investment. There are tips and tricks to keeping your pattern stash organized and in good condition so you can continue to use patterns over and over again.
Preserving your patterns is especially important if you do any kind of pattern alteration. Even if it’s for fit. It’s always a good idea to keep a copy of the original unmodified pattern.
My Articles on Sewing Patterns Reading and Usage
3 Considerations for Choosing a Sewing Pattern to Eliminate Stress and Overwhelm
When you are learning to sew, especially clothes, chances are you will be sewing from a pattern. A sewing pattern that someone else has created. There are many options out there for sewing patterns. When you are just starting out, I recommend looking at commercial...
13 Powerful Tips to Prevent Common Mistakes Beginners Make Using Patterns
Don't make one of these common mistakes beginners make using patterns. Let me set the stage: You finally did it. You bought a stylish pants pattern, picked out gorgeous fabric, and made your first pair of pants. You proudly try on your pants and your heart sinks. They...
Using Commercial Sewing Patterns – Tips
Getting a new pattern is exciting. But dealing with the massive pieces of tissue can be a pain in the butt. It's important to have a plan for using these patterns. The tissue is relatively resilient but with multiple uses, can deteriorate or tear. Or, if you have a...
3 Rules to Lay Out Patterns and Cut Fabric Confidently
One of the first things you have to learn to sew well is to lay out patterns and cut fabric correctly, or you won't get good results. You've probably figured this out, but you can't just go and cut out pattern pieces from fabric all willy-nilly. There are rules....
How to Read Commercial Sewing Patterns
If you've found your way to this article, chances are, you want to sew clothes and you need to know how to read the pattern. I'll start by saying that there are a bunch of commercial and indy pattern companies. Most have the same information on them, but some put a...